What would you do if you couldn’t fail? If you were able to accomplish everything you attempted, what would your goal list look like?
Several years ago I thought I’d like to add financial planning to my skill set. The firm where I worked said it wasn’t something they needed me to pursue and I did something really stupid – I shelved my goal. Ironically, a couple years later they partnered with a financial adviser and created a new business in that very arena.
Well, that was a bit frustrating. I had let someone else chart my professional course, and my ship was now sailing in the wrong direction. Time to make some changes.
I talked with a friend of mine who is a Certified Financial Planner. He convinced me to go for the CFP
. Even though I was already over 50, I decided, why not? Why not pursue my shelved goal? What’s the worst that could happen? I could fail the exam but still increase my skill set by the things I learn studying.
I think that’s a critical step when you’re unsure of pursuing a goal you’ve set for yourself. If I pursue this goal, what’s the worst that could happen? If I fail, how horrible would that be? But what would I do if I couldn’t fail?
I’m concerned about the joys we miss in life, the accomplishments we forgo, the successes we never have, because we’re afraid we’ll fail if we try. If you don’t try, you’ve already failed. How did that feel? Now, why not aim for success?
That’s the attitude I took when I started this little blog. I know the demographics for fashion and lifestyle blogs favor women half my age. But I’d never know if I didn’t try. No, it’s not huge (yet). 🙂 But Haute Business is growing and I’m having a blast doing it.
“What if I couldn’t fail?” was also the attitude I took when I set out to get my CFP and become a financial adviser. And now I’m one three-hour test and license away from from finishing. It’s been long. It’s been tough. But I’m almost there and I’m so excited!
So, I know I’ve been scarce lately but’s it been for good reason. I hope you’ll forgive me and understand. Between tax season and studying for my Series 7 and 66 licenses, my time has been pretty monopolized. That last test is next Monday morning, and I’m finally finished! I can’t tell you what a relief that will be.
This morning I leave you with this: please try. Whatever goal you’ve shelved because you feel you’re too old or too time-crunched or too fill-in-the-blank, what would you do if you couldn’t fail?