When it comes to designers who capture the American spirit, Ralph Lauren is one of the first I think of. Although the game of polo isn’t really the sport that comes to mind when you think of the United States, those collared shirts with the Polo pony feel pretty American to me. His designs have outfitted the U.S. Olympic team, after all.

The iconic Polo shirt came on strong when I was in college. As a girl on a budget, they were a bit out of my price range, but I always loved the look. Sometimes the horse and rider were the full color color spectrum (the rider in white pants and a light-blue jersey atop his brown horse), but I always loved the color combinations when the pony and its rider were one solid color and the shirt, another.

Although “The Polo” is synonymous with Ralph Lauren, it’s not the only weapon in his design arsenal. You may remember the gorgeous sky-blue dress worn by Melania Trump on Inauguration Day. Streamlined and stunning, I kept thinking about how much I would love to wear a dress like that. Sigh.

Back here in Every-Girl Land, the LAUREN Ralph Lauren label creates a slice of Americana in clean, flattering pieces at more affordable prices. In fact, I’ve linked several options currently on sale in both smaller and fuller sizes, making them an even better way to bring home something from this iconic designer.
Happy Monday!