
Body Image, Part 2


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The last time I talked about body image here, my ramblings took me to health, especially healthy eating habits.  I’m a firm believer that what goes into your body is more important than what goes on your body.  I also believe body image is intertwined with self-love.  I’m not talking about narcissism – this is about wholesome self-respect.  No one is perfect.  That doesn’t preclude us from accepting ourselves as we are.  Choose to love yourself, faults and all, then seek to improve.

The order of the process is critical.  Love yourself first.  You are absolutely worth it and you need to believe that.  If you have challenges with that, list your positive attributes.  Write down five of your best qualities.  Everyone can find five.  Do you have a body feature you like?  Maybe your work ethic is par excellence.  Are you fluent in a second language?  Write these things down.  Now, take a week to celebrate your amazing attributes.  Really.  If your self-esteem has taken a beating lately, you need to do this.  Take your list and tape it to your bathroom mirror.   Read it in the morning when you put on your make-up and again at night when you wash it all off.  Oh, one more thing to add to your list: “I am worth loving.”

Only after we’ve spent some time in self-affirmation are we ready for self-improvement.  Don’t get crazy here.  I think one goal at a time is a good idea.  Or one goal per aspect of your life, for example, one fitness goal and one professional goal.  Goals should be attainable; life should be enjoyable.  Goals should also be measurable.  How can you attain something you can’t measure?  “I’m going to get into shape” isn’t a measurable goal.  Try, “I’m going to work out four days a week for the next four weeks,” or, “Within one month I’m going to run one full mile without stopping.”  Measurable.  Attainable.  Allows time for life to be enjoyable.

The idea of loving yourself may be foreign or uncomfortable.  It is not being self-centered or self-involved.  In our family, we describe that as, “Me, me, me, me!” to the tune of Beethoven’s 5th.  That is not at all what I am advocating.  Loving yourself is simply the act of respecting yourself enough to take care of yourself.  Respecting yourself enough to form and maintain healthy habits.  Caring enough to take time to look your best.  Loving yourself enough to know you’re worth the investment of time and effort.  Taking a look at where you are in life and saying, “Well done,” even if you’re not where you want to be yet.  Accept where you are, love yourself for it and build from there.

It’s Monday and it’s time.


3 thoughts on “Body Image, Part 2

  1. Lieve Niek,Realiseer je, dat doordat we niet meer zo hard gaan, dat we juist bewuster leven en andere dingen zien en voelen waar we (vroeger) aan voorbij gingen omdat we toen meegingen in de snelheid. ik zie en voel mooie ontwikkelingen en jij ook, als je er weer bij komt. Luister naar je lijf, dat &#be80;pro22er” ik ook.dikke knuffel

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