
Transitional Plaid

Don’t you love mixing business and pleasure? These J.Jill cuffed plaid pants help me with that combination. They look like trousers but feel like your favorite pair of yoga pants. We know how great that can be, especially when you’ve got a long day stretching out before you. I’m thinking office, travel, or a casual… Read More Transitional Plaid


Little Changes

Don’t you love it when you get a lot of mileage from pieces in your closet?  I really feel as though I’ve spent my money well when I can take a piece and style it multiple ways.  I’m doing that today with pieces you probably already have in your closet.  Sometimes little changes can make… Read More Little Changes

Collaboration, Looks


The Jacket My mom gave me this jacket a while back. Thanks Mom! It’s a great piece, especially since kimono-inspired jackets and wraps are all over style pages. In truth, my jacket is probably more Mandarin-influenced but the overall effect is the same. I guess the longer styles are more kimono-esque, but anything silk or… Read More Kimono-Inspired